Analysis Features
Graph Features
Typical Graphing Features
Graph Wizard Graphs
- Single and Multiple Scatter Plots
- Single and Multiple Line Plots
- Step Plots
- Bar Charts with Error Bars
- Column Means with Error Bars
- Point Plots
- Point and Column Means
- Box Plots
- Pie Chart
- Raw Residuals
- Standardized Residuals
- Normal Probability Plot
- 3D Scatter Plots
- 3D Mesh Plots
Graph Options
- Edit the attributes for graphs, axes, and plots with the Graph Properties dialog
- Customize attributes for graph objects with the Object Properties dialog
- Modify text on a graph page with the Edit Text dialog
- Change graph page options with the Page Setup dialog
- Multiple undo
- Select plots to perform regression analysis
- Predefined color schemes for symbols, lines, and solids
- Modify the computation of error bars
- Eight axis scaling options
- Gradient fills, color transparency, antialiasing
- Legends created automatically
- Multi-level zooming
Test Result Graphs
- Column Means (bar and scatter plots) with Error Bars
- Point Plot
- Histogram of Residuals
- Normal Probability Plot
- Before and After Plots
- Multiple Comparison Graph
- Grouped Bar Charts
- 3D Residual Scatter
- 3D Category Scatter
- ANOVA Profile Plots for Main Effects and Interactions
- Scatter Plot Residuals
- Adjusted Means Scatter with Error Bars
- Regression Lines and Scatter for Groups
- Box Plot
- Bar Chart Standardized Residuals
- Regression Curves with Confidence and Prediction Bands
- 3D Scatter and Mesh Plot
- Scatter Correlation Matrix
- Point and Column Means
- Survival Curves
- Adjusted Survival Curve
- Cumulative Hazard Curves
- Log-Log Survival Curves
- Scree Plot
- Component Loadings Plot
- Component Scores Plot