
PeakFit Is The Automatic Choice For Spectroscopy, Chromatography Or Electrophoresis

Suggested uses for PeakFit are represented below however, PeakFit can be used in any science, research or engineering discipline.

For Spectroscopy

PeakFit lets you accurately detect, separate and quantify hidden peaks that standard instrumentation would miss. PeakFit includes 18 different nonlinear spectral application line shapes, including the Gaussian, the Lorentzian, and the Voigt, and even a Gaussian plus Compton Edge model for fitting Gamma Ray peaks. As a product of the curve fitting process, PeakFit reports amplitude (intensity), area, center and width data for each peak. Overall area is determined by integrating the peak equations in the entire model. PeakFit can even deconvolve your spectral instrument response so that you can analyze your data without the smearing that your instrument introduces.

For Electrophoresis

PeakFit gives the electrophoresis user the ability to quickly and easily separate, locate and measure up to 100 peaks (bands), even if they overlap. With 82 nonlinear peak models to choose from, you’re almost guaranteed to find the best equation for your data. The sophisticated array of baseline types lets you integrate only the significant portion of the bands in your data. The results of these measurements are then automatically recorded in a PeakFit-generated report, or they can be shown graphically.

For Chromatography

PeakFit includes 8 different built-in equations for asymmetric peaks typically found in chromatography data including the Exponentially-Modified Gaussian, the Haarhoff-Van der Linde, the NLC, the Giddings and even a Half-Gaussian Modified Gaussian, an experimental model similar to the EMG, but used to describe intra-column originated asymmetry. The peak area is computed directly as a parameter within each of these functions, ensuring accuracy and enabling computation of confidence limits. PeakFit reports column efficiency, resolution, first moment (center of mass), second moment, center (mode), as well as peak width at base and half maximum, and asymmetry at base and 10 percent of maximum. PeakFit can even deconvolve your chromatographic detector response, so you can analyze your data without instrument induced asymmetry. PeakFit also supports AIA data file input protocol.

For Signal Component Analysis

Even though PeakFit is widely used by chemists, biologists, etc., many Electrical Engineers have found PeakFit’s statistical nonlinear fitting techniques extremely useful for separating overlapping signals.

A True Voigt Function

In Spectroscopy, instrument and Doppler broadening effects create a Gaussian line shape, while natural and collision broadening cause a Lorentzian line shape. The Voigt function is a convolution of both the Gaussian and Lorentzian functions. Most analysis packages that offer a Voigt function use an approximation with very limited precision. PeakFit actually uses a closed-form solution to precisely calculate the function analytically. PeakFit has four different Voigt functions, so you can fit the parameters you’re most interested in, including the individual widths of both the Gaussian and Lorentzian components, and also the amplitude and area of the Voigt function. PeakFit’s precise calculation of the Voigt function is crucial to the accuracy of your analysis.

Nonlinear Peak Separation and Analysis for Spectroscopy, Chromatography and Electrophoresis

PeakFit separates and analyzes nonlinear peak data better, more accurately and more conveniently than your lab instrument – here’s why:

Don’t guess or rely on the accuracy of non-dedicated software made by hardware manufacturers. PeakFit far surpasses any other peak analysis package made!
