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Online Store purchase applicable only for US and Canada

All Prices and Purchase Options displayed in this store are for single-user or upgrade licenses sold in the USA and Canada only.

License Option

Single Users Licenses

Network and Site Perpetual Licenses

Network and Site Annual Licenses

1 & 2 Year Student Licenses

Site and Network Licenses

All Grafiti LLC products offer different types of Site and Network Licenses. We can craft a quote to meet your needs.

SigmaPlot Personal Student License

We have introduced student licenses valid for 1 or 2 years. Please click below for more information.

TableCurve2D, TableCurve3D and PeakFit

For information on TableCurve2D, TableCurve3D, and PeakFit, and to receive a customized quote, we encourage you to fill out the Request Quote from. This allows us to understand your specific requirements and provide you with the most appropriate and up-to-date information on these products.

Products Designed Specifically to Meet the Needs of Scientists, Professional Researchers and Engineers

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