New SigmaPlot Version 16
SigmaPlot is a powerful and versatile scientific tool for Data analysis & visualization.
Designed specifically to meet the needs of Scientists, Professional Researchers and Engineers.
With an award-winning interface and intuitive wizard technology that guides users step-by-step through the graph creation and data analysis process, SigmaPlot provides the flexibility to create compelling graphs and statistical analysis you simply can’t achieve with basic spreadsheet software. It's also a good choice for students who are taking science or engineering courses, as it can help them learn about data analysis and visualization techniques.

Advisory Statistics For Non-Statisticians
SigmaStat Helps You Analyze Data Confidently, Visualize Results Easily

SYSTAT Powerful Statistical Analysis and Graphics Software
Simplify your research and enhance your publications with SYSTAT’s comprehensive suite of statistical functions and brilliant 2D and 3D charts and graphs.

TableCurve 2D Automated curve fitting and equation discovery
TableCurve 2D® gives engineers and researchers the power to find the ideal model for even the most complex data, by putting thousands of equations at their fingertips.

PeakFit The Automatic Choice For Spectroscopy, Chromatography and Electrophoresis
PeakFit uses three procedures to automatically place hidden peaks; while each is a strong solution, one method may work better with some data sets than others.

TableCurve 3D Model Complex Data Sets Fast and Easy
TableCurve 3D is the first and only program that combines a powerful surface fitter with the ability to find the ideal equation to describe three dimensional empirical data.

“我们的生死取决于我们的出版记录,而 Sigmaplot 是迄今为止我发现的最好的程序,可以制作出极具质量的定制数字和图表。SigmaPlot 帮助我以引人注目的方式展示我的数据“。
J. Lindsay Whitton, M.D., Ph.D
Professor Depts.of Neuropharmacology and Immunology Scripps Research Institute

“使用 SigmaPlot,我可以制作出高质量的图表用于出版,而且比使用其他软件更容易定制图表的许多细节”。
Crop & Food Research Lincoln, New Zealand

“我需要一款功能超越 Excel 的图形工具来制作数字和图表,最好还能包含统计计算。对我来说,SigmaPlot 的使用很合理,因此我使用了它。
Andreas Sandner-Kiesling, MD
Assoc. Prof. in Anesthesiology Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy Dept. of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine Medical University of Graz, Austria

Kenneth L. Campbell, PhD
Professor of Biology University of Massachusetts at Boston

“事实上,我在 1996 年就发表了我的第一张 SigmaPlot 图表,现在我仍然认为 SigmaPlot 是最友好、最先进的。SigmaPlot 真的非常出色”。
Carmen Cuffari, MD, Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Gastroenterology/Nutrition