Grafiti LLC
Graphing Features
SYSTAT 13.2 offers advanced graphing capabilities
- Use of Microsoft’s 16M color palette
- Flicker Free rendering of graphs in Graph Editor
- Overlay an unlimited number of graphs
- Automatically plot and color subgroups side-by-side or overlay
- Graph Gallery with a variety of graph templates
- Ability to view multiple graphs facilitating comparison of two or more graphs
- Interactive changing of Graph properties with support for Begin-End graphs and Quick Graphs
Graph Toolbar
- Selection tools for selecting a subset of plot points
- Zoom in & Zoom out feature with selection zooming or step zooming tools
- Pan tool for moving (drag-and-drop) the graph within the Graph Editor
- Realign multiple frames to default layout with a single click of the mouse
Global Options
- Decorate your graphs with different background & border themes
- Threshold limit and grid cuts for automatic hexagonal binning
- Location, facet, eye (3-D rotation angle), scale and appearance settings for all graphs through the dialog as well as command line interface
- Ability to change the image type of the graphs appearing in the Output Pane, like PNG, BMP, JPEG, GIF or EMF
Bar, Dot, Line, Pie, Profile and Pyramid Charts (Summary Charts)
- Use medians instead of mean for Bar, Dot, Line, Profile and Pyramid graphs
- Bar: 2-D, 3-D, stacked, error bars, repeated measures, percent, polar, mirror, mosaic
- Dot: 2-D, 3-D, line connected, error bars, repeated measures, percent, polar, mirror
- Line: 2-D, 3-D, errors, repeated measures, percent, mirror
- Pie: 2-D, 3-D, concentric rings, offset slice
- Profile: 2-D, 3-D, stacked, repeated measures, percent, mirror
- Pyramid: 2-D, 3-D, repeated measures, percent, mirror
- Base line (Anchor) is drawn at the specified base value for bar and pyramid charts
- Distinct stack and percentage options for univariate bar charts
Scatterplots, Quantile and Probability plots
- Repeated measures, contour and tiled plots
- Smoothers (2-D/3-D): linear, quadratic, DWLS, step, NEXPO, inverse, Andrews, bisquare, Huber and Kriging. The tension parameter can be specified where applicable
- Smoother residuals
- Option for limiting smoother to data range
- Line connecting plot points, minimum spanning tree, traveling salesman path, Voronoi tessellation, Delaunay triangulation, vectors, spikes and convex hull
- Size points by influence, sunflower symbols
- Border 2D graph for Plot, Probability Plot and Quantile Plot
- Present statistical data on maps
- US: states, counties, metro areas, census tracts, and related demographics
- World: continents, nations, West European provinces
- Eleven geographic projections
- Create map (shape) files
Coordinates and Projection
- Rectangular, polar, triangular and spherical coordinates
- Geographic projections: gnomonic, stereographic, Mercator, orthographic, Lambert, Robinson, sinusoidal, Miller, Peters, fish-eye
Page View
- Rectangular, polar, triangular and spherical coordinates
- Geographic projections: gnomonic, stereographic, Mercator, orthographic, Lambert, Robinson, sinusoidal, Miller, Peters, fish-eye
Advanced page view that lets you position & resize the graphs, titles & other annotation objects for printing
Single dialog box with context sensitive tabs for editing individual components of the graph: Graph, Frame, Axis, Legend and Element. The changes get reflected instantly
Interactive Graphics
- Control axis title, font for title and tick labels, number of ticks and number of pips
- Modify line aesthetics like color, style, and thickness
- Set limit lines and grid lines
- Modify minimum and maximum scale for an axis
- Transform the scale to the log or power scale
- Modify legend titles, location, layout (number of rows and columns) and labels
Dynamic Explorer
- Experience better dynamic control of orientation of 3D graphs with automatic rotation, step-by-step rotation or rotation using the mouse
- Zoom graphs (in the direction of each axis or all together)
Annotation Tools
- Annotation objects like Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Polyline, Arrow etc. can be added to the graph interactively to glorify the graphs drawn
- Annotation objects can be selected, repositioned and resized quite easily
- Annotation properties like Line Color, Style, Thickness and Fill Color, Pattern etc. can be set and modified easily
- Annotation Text can be added interactively to attach meaningful contents to graph elements which need extra attention
- Annotation text font properties can be set and modified conveniently
Status Bar Help
- Tooltips showing each individual element name (for e.g. Frame, X-axis, Legend, Bar, Scatterplot, Histogram, etc.) in the status bar on mouse hover in the Graph Editor
- View properties of elements like case ID and the value against variable names for all the axes
- Save charts to BMP, PS, EPS, EMF, WMF, JPG, PICT, GIF, TIFF, PNG with options for setting, resolution, size, format and color translation
- Frame tracker for identifying individual frames that can then be resized and/or repositioned
- Object tracker for identifying individual objects in a graph that can then be edited using the Graph Interactivity feature
- Reposition the graph title using the mouse (drag-and-drop)
Histograms, Box and Density Plots
- 2-D Histogram
- Box plot: box and whisker, notched, box with dot
- Dot densities: dit, symmetric dit (dot), jitter, fuzzy and stripe
2-D/3-D Displays
- Histogram: counts, cumulative counts, control number of bars or bars widths
- Normal and kernel density functions
- Contour and mosaic plots
- Pseudo 3-D displays, mirror plots
Other 2-D Plot and SPLOM Options
- Hexagonal binning with desired number of cuts and threshold for binning
- 38 theoretical densities for probability plots
- Smoothers: log, power, lowess, spline, mean, median, mode, midrange, trimmed mean
- Confidence interval contours: bivariate ellipsoid, bivariate centroid, regression line, kernel density
- Display univariate densities on borders: histogram, box, box/dot, dot, dit, frequency polygon, normal, kernel, fuzzy, stripe, jitter
- High-low-close plots (2-D)
- Mirror plots (2-D)
Additional graphs
- Multiplots: based on Trellis plots, multiple displays based on grouping variables for bar, dot, line, profile, pyramid, scatterplot, probability plot and quantile plot
- Icon plots: Chernoff faces, Fourier blobs, histograms, profiles, thermometers, weather vanes, stars and arrows
- Parallel coordinate and Andrews’ Fourier plots
- Function plots: specify any function (2D, 3D, 4D)
Graph and Frame
- Change background color, title, font, coordinates and projections
- Zoom/resize, rotate and reposition graphs/frames
- Change the row-column matrix dimension of graph frames in multiple graphs
- Change summary charts like bar, dot, line, profile and pyramid from one type to another
- Change related density types from one type to another
- Modify element aesthetics like line color, style, thickness, fill color, pattern, symbol, type, size and boundary
- Change error bar settings, height parameter, base line, bar width and label settings for summary charts
- Separate a slice, change to an attention map (ring), display slice labels, and transform the scale in pie charts
- Change smoothers, residuals, connectors, partitions, specify vector lines, vertical spikes, confidence contours and hexagonal binning for scatterplots
- Set the surface type, gradient and wireframe for 3-D scatterplots and function plots